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    A well-controlled scientific study KiSel 10 from Sweden shows that prolonged supplementation with SelenoPrecise and Bio Quinone Q10 reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by about 50% compared to those not taking these supplements.

    Swedish researchers from the University Hospital in Linkoping and Karolinska Institute in Stockholm have followed 443 older people of both sexes, aged 70-88 years from the Kinda municipality, for 5 years.

    Careful Screening

    All participants were screened by experienced cardiologists, including blood tests, ECG and measurement of blood pressure. In the blood samples, researchers measured the content of selenium and Q10, NT-proBNP which serves as a marker of cardiac pumping function and also markers of oxidative stress. Patients who had recently had a heart attack, who were about to undergo surgery or were suffering from a serious illness that could be expected to reduce their chances of survival were excluded from the study. So were patients with a drug or alcohol addiction as well as patients who could not be expected to be able to collaborate on the project in the study's duration.

    Double-blind study

    All participants received supplements for at least 4 years and were additionally examined every 6 months. A total of 221 subjects received active treatment in the form of 200ug SelenoPrecise once daily and 100 mg of Bio Quinone Q10 2 times daily. The placebo group consisted of 222 persons. The KiSel-10 study was double-blinded, meaning neither the subjects nor researchers knew who got what.


    The purpose of this study was to see whether supplementation of selenium and Q10 are able to affect the severity of chronic heart disease and deaths from this and from other causes. The reason why researchers chose to look at selenium and Q10 was that more than 1,400 scientific papers have been released on these two substances on heart disease. We also know that the body's natural level of Q10 decreases with age and that the content of selenium from experience is not optimal in the elderly.

    Why Pharma Nord?

    Both products are pharmaceutical grade, are approved as drugs, are stable and without significant variations from batch to batch, has a high absorption rate and a very low rate of side effects and not least that both products have previously been used in numerous scientific studies with good results. Q10 and selenium co-operate in the body. In the body, coenzyme Q10 constantly shifts between being oxidized and reduced. Expressed in another way, between its active and non-activated form. This continuous reduction of Q10 leads to a need for the selenoprotein TrxRz in which selenium is included in the form of selenocysteine. The function of the selenium-containing proteins is optimal with a sufficient level of Q10 and vice versa.


    Results conclude that supplementation with selenium and Q10 leads to a statistically significant reduction in deaths caused by cardiovascular disease in the elderly at 44-55% depending on the measurement method. ECG measurements and biochemical markers support this data. The study featured in the Daily Express and Daily Mail is called KiSel-10. The 'Ki' comes from Kinda municipality. 'Sel' comes from selenium and '10' comes from the Q10.


    For more information, you can also visit the KiSel 10 website

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